Tuesday 11 November 2008

Back up and running!

So, my Mum has come from the UK, and fixed my technical problems. Wahey! (Thanks Bids) So, I've posted some things about the last month, mainly about the 2 major festivals that have taken place.

Last week, I started to work with a Hydropower NGO, and it hopefully will teach me about how NGOs in Nepal work. In return, I'm going to be helping them on things I know. i.e. computers and english. Great deal. To see about the NGO you can look at their website www.peeda.net.

Anyway, my Mum and Aunt are here for the next three weeks, so I'm going to be doing a lot of the touristy stuff that I haven't done for a long time, including going on elephant safari, walking in the mountains and so on. Should be fun!



Anonymous said...

Hi Sam!

I hope you having the time of your life out there - certainly looks like it. so enough with the niceties... Checkstress... WP1 MSN007 (does this strange language mean anything to you?). was revenue / invoicing for MSN007 tracked centrally (by yourself) if so do you know where I can find that info. any support would be much appreciated - you are my last hope! Thanks again Heather B ;o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sam

Chrissie here..... I do check up on your blog from time to time, and enjoy life in the slow lane (and I mean that in the nicest possible way, truly!) It's as if I'm there with you - fascinating reading, and I suggest a book someday.

Glad to hear your technical challenges are past - will you be coming back to Blighty for Xmas? (perhaps a daft question, due to costs) It not, will you be celebrating it somehow over there? - or is there another festival that coincides with it? What's the weather like at this time of year? - ours is cold and frosty, even in the south-west.

As for Atkins, the new building "The Hub" is looking like an office now, and the plan is to move from 2620 to 500 over the last weekend in Jan09 (fingers crossed). Parking is going to be a nightmare and already causing challenges, but we'll see. Sadly Andrea has been made redundant over the move (phones moving to Epsom, so 2 new staff there means 3 less here); also Pauline will not be able to provide refreshments in competition with the cafeteria caterers, so she will be effectively retiring just after her birthday on Jan 21st (note for diary!!) It's all change....

Anyway, keep smiling - and how about some more photos?
Hugs, Chrissie (Coombs)