Sunday 23 March 2008

T minus 2 weeks

Last week was my final week in Bristol before I go. That meant finishing everything off at work, packing everything at my house, and saying "see you drekly" to all my friends.

And I did it. Well almost. I only got 2 of the 5 reports signed off at work. I moved down from Bristol to Cornwall on Thursday night - keeping awake on the motorway was interesting after waking up at 5 am. Somehow all my stuff fitted into Dad's van. It is amazing how much junk you collect after only 3 years. I pity the people who will have to tidy my house when I get prematurely put into a nursing home. And then I said "au revoir" to all my friends. Well, I hope all of them, if I missed you out then I'm sorry. Nothing personal, just being forgetful as normal.

So now I'm back at home. I've resolved to do 2 things over the next 2 weeks.
  1. Get running again. I cycled into work a couple of times last week and felt so exhausted when I got there. The fitness is just ebbing away.
  2. Make sure I eat lots of food to counteract any illness I will most certainly have within the first few weeks of arriving in Nepal.
Tomorrow morning I will go for my run. No idea how far it will be, but as long as I'm out that'll be the main thing. And being at home is great for eating more food. There's always food in the cupboard, no need to go shopping for it, and as it's easter there's quite a bit of chocolate about. Winning all around.

As for the other preparations for Nepal, am I ready? Well, not really. I don't think the realisation has hit me yet that I'm going in a fortnight's time. Once the weekend is over and I'm not at work, maybe it will sink in that something's actually happening. Or maybe that's just a vain hope, and I'll be panicking greatly in 13 days from now. I'm slowly laying out the clothes and bits and bobs I'll need. Working out how much room I've got, and more importantly what my weight allowance is. I do have a big pile of junk from my room in Bristol which I need to sort through and decide what's coming with me and what's not. I know I can buy things in Nepal, but if I already have them here, then I'd prefer not to really. It would just be a bit greedy having twice as much stuff as I need, even if it is a continent apart.

Scared. Excited. And not quite believing what's just around the corner. T minus 2 weeks and counting.


p.s. And yes, little green golf still is for sale if anyone wants it...

1 comment:

samsformerboss said...

Sam - I can't believe you didn't get all your reports signed off before you left. Hope you feel terribly guilty.

Seriously, I hope you have a great time and I'll keep reading your blogs to see how you are doing, as everyone else will as well, I'm sure.

Remember you can only bring one wife back with you.