Friday 6 May 2011

Living Below the Line - Day 5

It's amazing how not hungry you get when you're busy. Today, I had to go into uni early to re-write the presentation for WREC. I sat there concentrating so hard, that by the time I noticed the time it was 12.30.

Lunch was chickpea, cauliflower and chapatti. It tasted good, the chapattis were fantastic, but still a bit dry.

Lunch - Chickpea, cauliflower and chapatti

This afternoon I did a run through of the presentation to my research group. It went quite well, most comments were quite positive and constructive. I went home and showered, just felt really dirty, before getting the last night's tea ready. It was cheese (with some pasta and other bits). That was really exciting.

The cheese

The food was the best we had all week. What a shame it had to be on Friday…

Tea - Cheese with pasta and vegetables in a tomato sauce

I am very happy to be finishing the challenge, looking forward to some cake and the fry up tomorrow morning. Now I just have to work out how to follow this week up…


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