Sunday 1 May 2011

Living Below the Line - The Day Before…

So, tomorrow starts the living below the line challenge. I'm quite glad it's here as I've been thinking about it for a while now and really want to get going.

I'm really glad I won't be the only one doing this, it's always fun to have others going through the same pain and misery as you. When Hannah said she would do it, I was really happy, when she said she had managed to convince her family to do it as well I was amazed. So, we're all going to be surviving on £1 a day each for food, trying to battle hungriness, temptation and grumpiness together.

I'm on holiday in the Black Mountains at the moment, going back home tomorrow, so will have to eat the low cost breakfast (porridge) and lunch (chickpea, cauliflower and chapatti) here.

We still had a stack of food left last night so instead of going out, as we had planned, we stayed in and ate the remaining food. It seemed slightly silly if we were going to be trying to live frugally for a week if we started by throwing away a load of food. So, we had a mish mash of salad, boiled potatoes, crisps and cake. It was very good although I seemed to eat a surprisingly large amount of salad leaves...

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Who know's what will happen!


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